Top 5 Technological Advancements in Dental Implants You Should Know About

Dental implantology has seen remarkable technological advances in recent years, with modern and durable implants like Basal Implants and Corticobasal Implants that can be used as full-mouth dental implants. According to Dr. Vivek Gaur – one of the top implantologists in Delhi, these implants have significantly higher success rates, comfort, and longevity for all patients. He is considered the best dental implant doctor in Delhi and recommends the following five advancements in the field of implant dentistry:

1.Multi-Unit Corticobasal Implants

Corticobasal implants have been a game-changer for patients having complex bone structures or severe bone loss. These multi-unit corticobasal implants anchor directly into the dense cortical bone, which eliminates the need for bone grafts – a compulsory invasive surgery in traditional implants. Hence, modern implants speed up the procedure and increase the stability.

2.CAD/CAM Technology

The use of CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology has been instrumental in the drastic improvement of the precision in implant dentistry. Weeks of work is completed in minutes. The accuracy with which dental prosthesis can be fabricated is simply outstanding and the dental surgeon can even predict the outcome before the prosthesis is placed on the implants.

3.Graphene GCad Material

Another technological advancement in dental implants is using graphene-based GCad material for prostheses. Higher strength, flexibility, and lightweight are top features of Graphene because of which it is used in implant prosthetics. The use of this material ensures increased durability and long-term comfort for the patient not just making the implant resilient but also making the end result aesthetically pleasing. Hence, these are preferred for use especially in complex cases like full-mouth dental implants

4.3D Printing for Dental Prosthesis

In various leading dental labs, the technology of 3D printing for dental prosthesis has become increasingly common. So, the production of customized prosthetics is faster and more accurate, ensuring that patients’ treatment can be completed in as little as 48 to max 72 hours

Final Words

If you want to get the Best Dental Implants In Delhi NCR, you should connect with Dr. Vivek Gaur – one of the top implantologists in Delhi. He uses the latest technological advancements, making your implant more durable, aesthetically pleasing, and qualitative.

Implant Dentistry has predictable results. Ensure you choose the best and the latest technology for long lasting results !

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